Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Hi everyone! I'm so glad that you've taken a moment to check out my blog. I'm in my first year of law school (for all of you non-law-school folks, that makes me a "1L"), and I want to have the chance to share some of my writing with the people that I care about--that's why I've designed this blog. (And, it may or may not be a way for me to procrastinate about doing assignments for my legal writing and research classes!)

A lot of what I write about will probably emerge from my day-to-day experiences as a student and young adult. I want to be able to reflect on some of the seemingly simple yet profound moments in my life. I may write about books I'm reading, movies I've seen, the classes I'm taking, meaningful quotes, conversations I have with people, and anything that I find motivational, inspiring, or perhaps controversial. I may sometimes write about my take on current events or other issues as well. I also hope to write regular devotionals, things that God is teaching me, and my thoughts on living a meaningful, engaged, and passionate Christian life--if those things interest you or your friends, please check back for upcoming posts on those topics. In short, this blog will probably be pretty eclectic--I don't necessarily plan to stick to just one type of post or one predominant topic, but I want to have a chance to dabble in a lot of styles of writing that interest me.

I've always thought of myself as a writer, but like many people, I find it difficult to share what I write with other people even though I greatly enjoy putting my thoughts on paper in a more private setting. Still, I'm hoping that posting my thoughts for friends, family, and others to see will be encouraging, enjoyable, and thought-provoking for everyone who reads them. Happy reading!

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