Thursday, August 23, 2012

Plunging into Year #2

I know I've been totally falling off the wagon with blogging since coming back to school . . . and honestly, I will do my best to write as much as I can, but it probably won't be as often as during the summer. Thanks for being patient with me when the posts are scarce!

I've been busy redecorating and rearranging my whole apartment/ making various crafts, and I love the results! I feel like I live in a whole new place now. Here are some pictures:

With classes starting up again, I've been busy reading these:

And these, the remnants of my summer reading list:

I've also been doing a fair amount of cooking, including experimenting with this quinoa dish with strawberries and almond butter which is versatile enough to be a side dish, breakfast, or dessert. Definitely making this again!

And finally, I've been going to the gym and realizing how out of shape I am; blanketing the southeastern United States with resumes for summer 2013 jobs (yeah, it really does start a year ahead); and catching up with my law school friends and trying to socialize as much as possible before the year gets really intense.

So that's bits and pieces of the past two weeks, in pictures!

Here's the verse that's sustaining me this week:

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