Thursday, February 21, 2013

Mini-Vacation to the Mountains

This week has been eventful.

My team and I FINALLY submitted our Moot Court brief. And now we have the entire weekend off before we start bench practices for oral arguments. I definitely got some experience having to write a paper in support of something I don't believe in at all, but I am really glad that I get to present the opposite side later in oral arguments.

My computer came down with what IT told me was practically a record-setting number of viruses. But thankfully, it's all fixed now. I'm thinking that pretty much everything that was wrong with my laptop over the past month--the fact that my email wasn't really working, the ads that would pop up everywhere, the way Microsoft Word would shut down if I typed too fast--might have all had something to do with these viruses, because all of those problems are gone now.

I called about a gazillion people with our admissions recruiting phone campaign.

I met this sweet older couple at my new church on Sunday who took me out to lunch, and we shared our stories with each other over chicken and sweet tea. They told me that they've "adopted" some law students in the past and helped them have a bit of a home away from home, and I definitely got the feeling that they'd be willing to do the same for me.

I participated in the closing argument competition and got a lot more practice with how to make your final impression on the jury when you try a case.

I went to (some of) my classes. Not all of them, because for about a day and a half, my Moot Court team and I were camped out in the student lounge almost round-the-clock, hunched over energy drinks and packs of peanut M&M's, writing and cite-checking in a desperate last-minute mission to get our paper done.

I researched a bunch of law scholarships and writing competitions and got motivated to find some law firms or companies or memorial funds to pay for my 3L year.

I managed to go to the gym a couple times. Life lesson of the week: Don't go to the gym with your friend who's been in the military unless you want to do pushups until your arms are about to fall off! I guess what doesn't kill you makes you stronger, though!

And now, in about twelve short hours, I am headed back to my North Carolina mountains to visit the family this weekend. :) It is much-needed. I have been working a LOT and am so excited to breathe for a bit. I am planning to not check my email, or open a book, for the entire weekend.  Well, at least not a law-related book. Here's the heaviest reading I plan to do (and of course, some serious catching up on life in my journal):

Looking forward to some of the usual activities with Mom and Dad: hitting up the best thrift stores in Asheville, talking and talking and catching up on everything, watching some Big Bang Theory/ Criminal Minds/ HGTV, and just taking it easy.
Hope y'all have wonderful weekends!

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