Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Procrastination At Its Finest

I KNOW that I'm supposed to be working on editing about 200 pages of law review stuff right now because it's "due tomorrow." Well actually, it was kind of due last week, but that's beside the point . . . and if I'm not working on that, I should be working on at least one of the following activities:

  • GOING TO THE GYM (this is kind of a dire need right now. The half-marathon is less than a month away).
  • preparing to teach my family law class on Thursday on my research paper topic. Each student has to teach one class this semester on the subject they've spent the semester researching, so that's what this is about. No big deal. Just, you know, teaching my first law school class. 
  • preparing opening statements for trial practice tomorrow night
  • sending fundraising letters for Haiti
  • sending graduation announcements to family and friends
  • working on my family law paper
  • working on my writing portfolio
  • catching up on emails
  • cleaning the bathroom and doing dishes and laundry and getting groceries
But no, I'm not doing any of that, I'm just going to do a blog post with the rest of my pictures from Oklahoma instead . . . 

Here's a beautiful Oklahoma sunrise: 

On Sunday we went to brunch at this little place called Syrup. They donate 100% of the profits to humanitarian projects in Africa and other parts of the world. Eating pancakes for a good cause? Now that's something I can get behind! 

I promise I did not eat ALL of the food pictured below!

But seriously, those pancakes were GOOD. I hope y'all don't judge me for eating them with bacon and chocolate chips--whatever, it was spring break, and I normally eat pretty healthy. I feel like I'm becoming a connoisseur of some of the best hole-in-the-wall brunch places, and this was one of them.  

We also went over to see the Oklahoma City bombing memorial. A very somber place indeed, but the memorial was also very well-designed and hopefully offers some comfort and encouragement to those who lost loved ones that day. 

These are some tiles painted by elementary school children after the attacks. This one, with the broken heart superimposed on the state of Oklahoma, is haunting.

And a nice view of downtown Oklahoma City: 

And in other exciting news for today, I officially accepted the job offer this morning! And Reason #1,896 why I love this law firm so much: I've received emails all day long from everyone from the firm's office manager to the young associates to the partners telling me how excited they are to work with me and how they want to answer any questions I have about anything and how I should tell them next time I'm in town so we can have lunch together and so they can help me decide on some good places to live. They are the BEST. (My favorite email from the office manager: "Lauren, I just heard the fantastic news!! We are so excited!") So, I'm so excited about that. I'm glad that it is all 100% official now, and I can just breathe and relax and enjoy the rest of 3L year.

And finally, I've wanted to share these two songs with you all for a long time but I keep forgetting to do it, so here they are:

Sovereign Over Us by Aaron Keyes

Song of Moses by Aaron Keyes

I have been listening to Aaron Keyes in general, and especially these two songs, nonstop for the past two or three weeks. The lyrics are just so powerful and encouraging, and have spoken to the exact places I've been in my life in this month of March. My favorite line from the first song is this: "Even what the enemy means for evil, you turn it for our good." This could not BE more true, and I've seen it in my own life and I will testify to that all day long. It really is true that God takes bad things that happen in our lives and transforms them for His glory and our good, because He is so good. He is SO good. I hope you can experience this in your life too. 

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