Wednesday, May 9, 2012


So, as of 5pm today, I am finished with my first year of law school! I'm not even really sure how I feel right now--happy, definitely, but also still a little delirious from the exam-taking and everything that comes with it and not quite feeling like a normal human being yet . . . My main sources of nutrients for the past week or so have been Krispy Kreme doughnuts, Domino's pizza, and Dr. Pepper (no coffee for this girl, but I have to get some caffeine somehow), so I really need to recover from the "finals food pyramid" and maybe go run a few miles! And clean my apartment, which kind of looks like a typhoon blew through it.

My contracts final was my last exam. In the middle of the test, a couple of essential keys literally popped off the keyboard on my laptop, and I started freaking out. I don't know if tech support is equipped to deal with "laptop malfunction because I typed too much in an effort to make it look like I actually know what I'm talking about." Finally I just forced the keys back where they belonged and typed really gently for the rest of the test...but I made it through with no further crises and I am done!

1 Samuel 7:12 seems like an appropriate verse for today: "Thus far the Lord has HELPED us." Yes, He has abundantly helped us, and helped me, thus far! He has made himself so real to me this year, as I've been living fully on my own for the first time ever, adjusting to a new city and new state, making new friends, and getting acclimated to a demanding academic program. I have experienced his grace in so many ways since last August, and I can't wait to see what's in store for my second year and beyond. 1/3 of the way to being a full-fledged attorney!

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